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From: Wintermute
To: Ladd Van Tol
Subject: Re: KaPOW!
Date:Sat, February 28, 1998 12:03 PM

<<Just thought I'd drop by and say hi.. Hey, I caught up on months of backlog in about 20 minutes! You guys need to get busy with the messages.>>

I know what you mean. BTW, how's the performance on headgap through your net connection?

<<Anyway, I'm now living in Sparta, Wisconsin on a small farm located in a gorgeous valley (ooh, aah!) Yes, before you ask, there's a lot of cheese here.>>

So, I guess this means things are pretty cheezy up there?

<<I'm going to school at The University of Wisconsin at La Crosse. Just started classes today. Looks good so far.

Due to a direct lightning strike to the roof (very, VERY loud), my computer got hammered. Insurance covered it fortunately, so I'm now computing from a very nice 8600/200. Need to get some more memory, but I salvaged the old hard disk, so it's a 32/4 gig configuration for now. Plus it's got that nifty internal zip drive, and a 12x CD-ROM, so it's a pretty nice upgrade.>>

Sounds great! I'm still loving my 7500/200 32/4 gig system. It feels about as fast as the new 266 Pentium II system right next to it (except in disk access, and the fact that it takes 3-4 times as long to start up) Argh. :) Still great for most purposes.

<<In case you were just falling over yourself to know, yes, I'm still developing software. Exposure Pro is in late beta testing, and is supposed to be released real soon now. (Waiting on the manual to be written mostly) Go to <> if you want to download the beta.. Personally, I find scribbling all over the screen insanely cool. Your milage may vary. Plus, I've even heard that some people use it for real work. What will those crazy graphics designers think of next? :)

My school address at CBU got dropped, and I'm not here very often, so send all those missives to <>


I hope things continue to go well for you. Have a good holiday season!

Wintermute (Jason)


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