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From: Vincent Hong
To: in2macz
Subject: Re: Escape Velocity
Date:Sat, February 28, 1998 12:03 PM

<<You'll have to show it to us at the next VMUGM meeting. I was the only one that showed up at Jason's : ( Guess we will have to make them bi-monthly meetings. Anyone want to have one 2 months from now in May. Can anyone else have the meetings besides Jason and me?>>

I would love love to have the meetings at my house, but my parents really don't want people they don't know well in our house. I might be able to have a VMUGM meeting at my parent's restaurant and I might be able to get the VMUGM members a discount. Unfortunately we won't be able to bring computers if we meet at my parent's restaurant. The tables in the restaurant aren't strong enough to support monitors. Additionally, you wouldn't want to show something as expensive as a computer in my neighborhood.



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