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From: headgap
Subject: Telefinder Mail from the Web
Date:Sat, February 28, 1998 12:11 PM

I have installed HDS Mail Plug-In for my Server. This is .9beta5 and it still has a few minor bugs in it. You can pick up or send your mail plus pick up attachments directly from the web site. Set your preferences once you log onto it and it will save them for you. Also add an item to the address list and it will start an address list in your mailbox. Replace that by deleting it and uploading your existing address list from your Telefinder program and you will have all of your addresses set up.

If you are on Lynx 2.5 or older or have any trouble using the mail features from the web you can also still use the old mail CGI I have installed.

Of course you can just pick it up here as well.

| Bob Nunn - Operator Headgap | E-mail: |
| Operator Headgap Web BBS | V.34 Modem : (901) 759-1542 |
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