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From: Wintermute
To: Ladd Van Tol
Subject: Re: WWDC & Gil & You
Date:Sat, February 28, 1998 12:02 PM

<<But the basic problem with the "Harmony" release, is that stuff like providing a complete Coplandesque interface is quite a bit of work that won't translate over to Copland. While it may make some sense to provide a "paint job" sort of release, just to indicate that Apple's hard at work, it doesn't really do all that much for end usability. Sure, it makes the machine look more like technicolor fruitsalad, but I don't really care for it. :)>>

I was just reading through some of these old messages. It's kinda interesting to see how quickly things change. In May we were all still talking about the promise of Copland, and the benefits of Harmony, etc. Now it's December and Copland is permanently dead (at least in its original form), the BeOS looks good, but Apple's STILL not giving any clues that they're moving in any direction (much less the right direction). I really hope they decide to make a clean break and move to a BeOS-MacOS merger (BeOS on the NuKernal ought to be cool). It would give true PowerPC performance, but without sacrificing the excellent development tools out there (Metrowerks already has a pretty good BeOS IDE and tools for porting Mac programs to BeOS, which should help developers make the paradigm shift even more easily than moving from 68K to PowerPC code (which many developers still haven't done).

Anybody have any thoughts about what they think is going to happen?



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