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From: headgap
To: all
Subject: Professional designers use Maci
Date:Sun, November 28, 1999 05:54 PM

Proof Positive:
Professional designers use Macintosh, and Print magazine has the proof
(by Scott Kelby - November/December Mac Today)

Print, "America's Graphic Design Magazine", just published its Digital
Design and Illustration annual which features winners in a host of design
categories. Each winning piece is displayed in the magazine, along with a
full list of credits, which software was used, and which type of computer
it was produced on.

Want to know which platform professional designers are using? Then look
at these results: In the Print and Package design category, every single
winning piece was designed on a Macintosh. Not even one winner used a PC.

How about Motion Graphics (DV, TV, etc.)? The Macintosh winners easily
beat everything else combined, including high-end proprietary systems
like Quantel Paintbox, Flint, Flame-SGI, etc. Oh yeah, one winner was
designed using a PC.

The Interactive design category (Website and Multimedia design) featured
60 winners. Of them, 47 were created entirely on a Macintosh; nine were
created using Macs and PCs; and yes, my friends, only four of the winners
were designed using a PC. That's less than 7%. It gets worse for Windows
from there.

How about Print's Illustration and Photography category? 100% Macintosh.
Not one single winner designed on a PC. Even in the Architectural and
Environmental (signage) category not one single Windows winner; 100%
Macintosh again.

Keep this article in your wallet the nest time a designer asks you why
you use a Macintosh. It's because "that's what the pros use."

Bob Nunn - President, Operator Headgap Systems
President, AppleCore of Memphis, Inc.

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