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From: headgap
To: HAL9k
Subject: Re: Looking for PowerPC help
Date:Wed, May 12, 1999 04:53 PM

On 5/7/99 12:29 AM, HAL9k wrote:

>Performa 5200CD, 603 PowerPc at 75MHz but t's printer port will not work.
> I am looking for any and all information on how to fix this port and
>also if I can add L2 cache and some more VRAM to ir or another video
>card so I can do Thousands of colors at 800x600...

Can't help you with the printer port. That usually requires a motherboard swap. Try ComputerLabs of Memphis for someone local to help you out.

You probably know already that you have two 72 pin simm slots and can have a maximum of 64 mb by using a pair of 32k simms of 80ns speed or better, and the machine can be upgraded one simm at a time so you don't have to match pairs. Your video is 1 MB of dedicated DRAM only gives you 16 bit color at 640 x 480 but you can work at 832 x 624 with 8 bit color. I don't see a way to upgrade the 256k level 2 cache but it may be possible if it is not soldered in. Chip Merchants or one of the other decent memory companies can tell you if you can.

If you get a chance download GURU from the Diagnostics folder. It gives you machine specs on every mac and compatible ever concieved of.

Bob Nunn - President, Operator Headgap Systems
President, AppleCore of Memphis, Inc.

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