Bob Nunn ¥ Memphis: hello SpiderJose: Bob's back! stephen: going great. I just need the disconnectUser from you fixed, and the ucmd from chris fixed and i will be done! SpiderJose: Hi Bob Bob Nunn ¥ Memphis: Hello finally made it. Don't know what I was doing. rusty: Welcome back Reno.... rusty: Stephen, are you hooking that script up to the Web? stephen: Rusty, remember that WebManage thing I showed you? SpiderJose: Reno, did you have some questions for us? stephen: Chris: I hope so, I am close to being done. rusty: I sure do stephen: I have dont the same for TF stephen: Complete web management for both the server and UM Reno in KC: Yes - we are interested in some software to maintain a Mac for clients to upload their files rusty: !! woo hoo!! stephen: It is really cool Jose: Hola Jose!! rusty: I bet, can't wait to see it Jose: Soy Jose Jordan... Reno in KC: Jose - we need a software solution like yours to receive client files rusty: Reno, TeleFinder is really good at that, among other things.. like Web Serving and Email Jose: Queria ver la posibilidad de recibir los documentos que me dijiste... rusty: That is probably one of the most popular uses of TeleFinder. Reno in KC: Here is the typical scenario . . . stephen: Rusty: I found a work around for the lack of the getStatus verb I asked for. Still would like it, but was able to get it done another way. SpiderJose: Hola Jose. Reno in KC: We have a client send us files - anytime to a mac with a dedicated phone line / modem . . . rusty: Yes, i will definitely add a GetStatus verb to TF Server. stephen: will speed up my suite. rusty: Reno, did you download the TF Server demo off of our web site yet? Reno in KC: We take their files and output them and deliver to their door Reno in KC: Not yet . . . SpiderJose: Ah...Tengo que hacer pocas modificaciones pero se lo mando hoy. SpiderJose: Hi Wolf. Wolf: Hi JOse SpiderJose: Welcome boca rusty: There are literally thousands of sites that use TeleFinder for specifically that purpose Reno. Jose: Gracias Reno in KC: I will - Is their a simpler solution (as we would not be taking advantage of the e-mail, web site etc . . .) Bob Nunn ¥ Memphis: We use it for similar purposes. Our sales force downloads images and text to create special sell sheets tailored to their individual customers. rusty: From high end service bureaus ( like Stephen's ) - to simple copy shops. Jose: rusty: With TeleFinder you just set up the components that you want to use. rusty: If you don't need web and email, you can leave them out. boca: good to see a face to the name Rusty and Spider Jose Wolf: Was thinking the same boca SpiderChris: welcome to the chat boca rusty: Hi boca -- who are you? boca: Debbie from Sweden rusty: Maybe we should all introduc ourselves... :) Wolf: =) SpiderChris: Chris Silverberg @ Spider Island Software Wolf: Who's that rusty guy? =) boca: was that delayed smiles Rusty and Jose-simultaneously as well rusty: I'm Rusty Tucker ( aka Spider Man : ) stephen: Stephen Tallent - Nashville, TN rusty: chief cook and nag at Spide Island Wolf: Jeremy Tinley, Fort Worth Texas Bob Nunn ¥ Memphis: I run Operator Headgap BBS as a Hobby here in Memphis, and I also run Wang's Online for my company which is private. stephen: My wife loves Wangs. Wolf: MugCentral BBS for Usergroup boca: and Debbie and Guy (sitting in my shadow ) from Sweden Bob Nunn ¥ Memphis: Not to recognized in all areas since we are wholesale only but are products are everywhere. boca: Jose and Rusty are you in the same room ? rusty: Debbie and Guy, are you TeleFinder sysops? stephen: Bob: we use Wangs here in Nashville. Great place SpiderJose: Nope, we're in seperate offices. boca: yep Bob Nunn ¥ Memphis: Good to hear good reports. It has been years since i visited our Nashville Walkin. I do catalogs for Wangs, and now electronic publishing. boca: this is Jenny nearly 7 rusty: Now Guy does not look like a sysop too me! rusty: Oh== I thought that Jenny was Guy! boca: Jenny future sysop Reno in KC: Sorry - ok Jose ahhhh - can you describe what parts of the TF software we would utilize? rusty: That's good! Maybe we can get TeleFinder into her school someday boca: in Swedish ? rusty: rene -- this is a repost from before> rusty: With TeleFinder you just set up the components that you want to use. If you don't need web and email, you can leave them out. rusty: You mainly want the BBS part. boca: very good Jose saw u in the doorway to Rusty Reno in KC: Rusty - thank you - go on . . . Reno in KC: Yes - just to receive client (Mac) files rusty: Boca -- sure, there is a Swedish version of the client avaialble from Mikael Friedrikson Reno in KC: PC if possible - we have PC Exchange . . boca: we know of him stephen: Chris: did you get the URec I sent too? rusty: The TF BBS server can be very easily -- if you download the demo youcan reveiciv files from PCs and Macs this afternoon rusty: The TF BBS has a client software for Macs and Windows PCs. Bob Nunn ¥ Memphis: We have close to 60 clients on Wang's Online most of which are PC users. rusty: It also includes a std terminal interface for thos ethat don't have the client software yet, Reno in KC: The demo allows this? - Then we would use this as a trial and purchase the software later? rusty: Yes it does. Bob Nunn ¥ Memphis: We are using TF as our mail server for our outside sales force, but most mac users are using it over Eudora and with the new PC Client I think more will change Reno in KC: Speaking of client side software - what we are planning is to install it for them and make it "brainless" - with a menu item or something - is this possible? stephen: Chris: did you get the URec I sent, too? rusty: It is as close to brainless as you can get. SpiderChris: stephen, yes i did thanks. i haven't tried it yet, i'm going to very shortly.... rusty: You can pre-config the s/w to connect to your system, then all they need to do is drag their files over, just like copying them using Finder. Bob Nunn ¥ Memphis: Mine are set up to autoinstall and already have the mail list and all of the numbers including IP addresses set up. Reno in KC: In other words - upon the purchase of TF - will the client need to know much if anything regarding modem software - or, Bob Nunn ¥ Memphis: I am pleased that you can use excel to build and maintain our mail list and it works for both mac and pc clients rusty: At most, they need to know only the name of thier modem. Reno in KC: Is there a terminal - or is the interface seamless - meaning they just click and upload files? rusty: It completely graphical, Drag and Drop, just like Finder. rusty: You should start be getting the TF Client software from our Web site. rusty: Then you can use that to connect to our BBS -- over the net or modem. rusty: You'll see how easy it is to use. Reno in KC: This is what OUR clients would see then? Reno in KC: Correct? rusty: yes rusty: Then you can set up the server demo, which is more involved. rusty: But your clients can then try out your system. Bob Nunn ¥ Memphis: We spend about 30 minutes to train an employee to use the system. It almost does it for you. Reno in KC: Ok - we are chatting with our PC today - but use Macs for most all graphics work rusty: The demo is the same as the full software, but it is time limited. rusty: You need to use the mac to download the software. Reno in KC: BTW - is there a cable changer to allow us to use our parallel cam with a Mac? rusty: I think you need a different cam. Reno in KC: Understood - most of our clients will be Mac - (thought so on the cam, just checking) Bob Nunn ¥ Memphis: I am thinking about adding ISDN has anyone messed with the little boxes like the Motorola Bitsurfer Pro? Would it really slug down my performance. Reno in KC: So download the client software first - and then the demo? rusty: We have a bit surfr here, but use the Planet II ISDN card for our ISDN connection. rusty: Yes, that's the best way reno. Reno in KC: Weeeeell - at the moment - we are using a 14.4 (stop chuckling) :) Bob Nunn ¥ Memphis: The card along with the NT1 box is a bit steep for my hobby. The Bit Surfer or perhaps the Farallon unit would work okay for a small system? rusty: The bit srufr is good, as long as your users have them too. stephen: Bob: for isdn dial up to your bbs? We have a few Planet cards we are not using anymore we would let go for a good price if you want a good solution. stephen: sorry rusty... :-) rusty: It does not work with the Planet, you also need to use a Huslter card w/ the Bit Surfr. Bob Nunn ¥ Memphis: I was really thinking about my net link. The ISP I am using is recommending Bit Surfers but his clients are mostly pc. Wolf: Any suggestions for Internet Connections in an area with out ISDN? Philly doesn't have it yet... Reno in KC: Anyhow - we have a PMac 9500 / 150 - but we would be using another for the "receiving mac" rusty: for the net link -- use whatever your provider recomendds Bob Nunn ¥ Memphis: I am presently using a 33.6k supra but so is my ISP. I would match your ISPs modems rusty: Yes, any Quadra on up will do for TeleFinder. Wolf: I have someone who will want to Use TF with Email and Web, but is looking for an alternative to ISDN. Reno in KC: Can we use a IIci - kind of old but all we can do right now stephen: Bob: definately go with what the isp says, that way they are responsible. rusty: Its native for both 68K and PowerMac Reno in KC: Our 9500 is connected to LAN - the "receiving mac" would be stand alone Bob Nunn ¥ Memphis: Stephen, mail me at on your number rusty: Its possible, but the performace will not be as good once you get to multiple lines and hghgher speed modems. rusty: For a single line at 14.4 or even 28.8 it should be OK. Reno in KC: Good - Hey rusty - are you with Spider Island ? rusty: If the CI is networked, you will probably want to use a serial port expansion/accelerator like the Hurdler or Hustler. rusty: Yes, I am. stephen: bob: will do. rusty: Chris, Jose and I are here representing SI today. Reno in KC: No the IIci will be stand alone to avoid LAN / security issues rusty: Stephen, Bob , Debbie (boca), Andy , Wolf (Jeremy) are all TF sysops. Reno in KC: Most client files would be small enough to send efficiently with a 14.4 rusty: You don't need to worry about LAN security with TF. It does not make it posisble for them to access your network. Reno in KC: Great - this is a great service - people "wowing" in our office :) stephen: Wolf, could you repeat your earlier question? Reno in KC: I see - what security measures prevent network access?? Reno in KC: As we don't have a firewall (yet) rusty: #1 TeleFinder does not provide themm with a network connection Wolf: I have a friend in Philly who is interested running TF. Unfort. ISDN isn't avail in Philly yet... any suggestions for him to get Internet service? rusty: as contrasted with ARA which does give users access to your network. Wolf: aside from his local dialup? Wolf: BTW, he saw our system and will be calling SI in the next few days =) stephen: Frame Relay. He can get a small cisco router that will support frame at any bandwidth he want to pay for. Bob Nunn ¥ Memphis: Wolf, all he needs to do is to obtain a dedicated 33.6 or 28.8 connection from any decent ISP. rusty: Wolf, if he needs dedicatted access, I'd go with a lease line/ frame relar vs ISDN. Wolf: Ok, Will pass on in the info. Wolf: 33.6 would work for E-Mail, but he will need frame for Web Service Wolf: Thanks! rusty: We found that the price here is the same for full time 14.4K modem and 56k frame relay once you include all the telco and ISP charges. SpiderJose: Wolf: Have your friend visit . It has a comprehensive list of ISP all over the world. Wolf: Ahh, thanks Jose, and all! Reno in KC: Anyway - we'll download the software and give it a run-through . . . Bob Nunn ¥ Memphis: With the frame relay how much hardware would I have to add? About what costs? rusty: Any last Q's before we wrap it up for today? Reno in KC: All we would need would be a dedicated phone line (regular phone number) for the dial-up? rusty: In So Cal the lease line is $100 / mo. rusty: The ISP access is $160 / mo rusty: they provide the router and DSU CSU boca: no thanks from us all byeeee rusty: that gets you 56k frame SpiderJose: Bye boca. Bob Nunn ¥ Memphis: I am only paying $30 for a dedicated 33.6 but I bought the ISP the modem. boca: cheap! Wolf: What speed Frame is SI on Rusty? rusty: We were paying $100 for modem, but the phone bill was over $300 per month! ( biz rates are $.01 per minute ) Bob Nunn ¥ Memphis: Really appreciate the new features in the PC client!!! Thanks guys. The mail server is working great Chris - no problems. rusty: 56K bps stephen: Rusty, what circuit type is your T1? rusty: so the total was $400 for a 14.4 connect ( this was a couple years ago ) rusty: It is also Frame Relay rusty: sorry, Chris says it is Point to Point rusty: Thanks Bob! Wolf: Thanks rusty, Chris, jose, it's been fun. Bob Nunn ¥ Memphis: Our MIS put in our firewall and ISDN connection to the net but I can't get on. I am on a modem connect. Is there something I can do. rusty: We want to have the PC client matching the Mac by XMAS or MacWorld Expo Wolf: That would be GREAT rusty! rusty: I don;t know if thats a problem w/ our reflector or the Firewall config. Bob Nunn ¥ Memphis: Thanks. I have to go. Wolf: Bye Bob. rusty: see you all next week! rusty: OUT! SpiderJose: Bye eveyone! Wolf: Bye. rusty: Stephend I was rusty: working with your Frontier stuff SpiderChris: stephen, look for email from me shortly.... within the hour at the latest rusty: and when I run the Get FS array, I dont know where it puts the info?? stephen: Chris: great. stephen: he he he SpiderChris: take care stephen, Bob rusty: i put this in a script, system.verbs.apps.TFserver.getArrayOfNodesFsspecs(), but see no results. stephen: Rusty, we slap it into a wptext cell rusty: oh? wuz that? rusty: plz pardon my ignorance of scripting :) stephen: thats is okay, do it like this: stephen: create a new wptext cell in your scratchpad called test stephen: can you do that? rusty: NO :) stephen: cool you have frontier open? rusty: yep -- do I use new subtable? stephen: open the scratchpad then do new text from the table menu stephen: call it test rusty: done stephen: open the quickscript window rusty: ok stephen: put this in there: target.set (@scratchpad.test); wp.insert (system.verbs.apps.TFserver.getArrayOfNodesFsspecs()) rusty: CanÕt evaluate the expression because the name ÒtestÓ hasnÕt been defined. stephen: what did you name the new cell you put in the scratchpad? rusty: I put it in work spacce -- wptext rusty: target.set (@workspace.wptext); wp.insert (system.verbs.apps.TFserver.getArrayOfNodesFsspecs()) stephen: yes. rusty: {"\x1Fª\nmac-tcp-ip\x00\x00\x00\x00ä\x01x\x02»x¸\x02»t¸\x02»x˜\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00ÿÿÿÿÿÿ\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x01\x00\x08\x02»x°\x02»xp\x00\x00\x00\x00"} stephen: yup rusty: how do I get "mac-tcp-ip" out of that? stephen: he he he. It is not easy if you dont know frontier. but not tough if you do. stephen: When do you leave today? rusty: soon rusty: In a couple hours or less. rusty: Its no hurry -- I just wanted to be sure that I could in fact extract each name from that returned array. stephen: What I would like to do is show you what we have done and explain how we did it. but that needs to be done by phone. It will give you somehting to think on this weekend. stephen: We are doing that. rusty: I don't think so :) -- I'll wait til monday to sneak a peek stephen: WIll I have to wait for a fix for the disconnect? stephen: boo! rusty: My bro and I are taking our kids ( all 5 ) camping , so we'll be pretty busy stephen: Good for you. Will be fun for ya rusty: when we;re not busy, we'll be drinkng beer and smoking cigars :) stephen: I love camping stephen: we go to the smokey mountians in East Tenn. rusty: I'll send you a new version w/ a good disconnect before I go stephen: You rock! rusty: I've never been out there -- it sounds really nice. stephen: It is lovely. rusty: OK -- I'm really out now stephen: bye rusty: see you next week Bob Nunn ¥ Memphis: Well the boss left but I see evryone is about gone. You doing okay Bob Nunn ¥ Memphis: Did you get my note about the TF Network requests?? SpiderJose: hey bob, i was working on something else. Bob Nunn ¥ Memphis: No prob my boss had stopped n and I was away. Bob Nunn ¥ Memphis: Did you get my TF Net Request. SpiderJose: Yes, I did see that. it sound like you never rec'd my original email...we cant register but we can do tho' SpiderJose: is that ok? Bob Nunn ¥ Memphis: That will be great. I wasnt sure what format so I put in my IP name SpiderJose: yes, its waiting to be processed i just need your ok to give you Bob Nunn ¥ Memphis: Yes that ll be great. Will be waiting then. Thanks. SpiderJose: It's all set then...I'll email after lunch with the confirmation...BTW, you bbs is up on our BBS list . Bob Nunn ¥ Memphis: WOnderful I check almost everyday!!!! Bob Nunn ¥ Memphis: I guess I ll run now thanks so much and I ll see you next week. SpiderJose: Tell me what you think. i changed some of the wording on the description a little and I'm going to modify your gif (just crop the edges) SpiderJose: ok cya Bob Nunn ¥ Memphis: Okay will take a look.bye