Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Hello Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Hey this is Bob Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Hey this is Bob Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Bob Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Bob Spider Hosey: Hi Bob! Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Hello Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Be back in a sec. Gotta get a refill. Lunch is coming. rusty: beer me! rusty: d/c? Spider Hosey: coffee! Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: No beer in the machines. The owner has a thing about drinking on the job. Says we have enough trouble R3: 'da chicken is here...!!! SpiderChris: greetings again... Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Hey... Spider Hosey: Hi R3 R3: rusty... u gonna brag about the results from rooster? <:-) rusty: I think we''re gonna stick w/ the Web* results for now R3: what a wimp... it was really good stuff, u should share with the unwashed masses... <:-) rusty: I'd rather be slightly beat by a comparable processor ( say 166 P5 running linux ) SpiderChris: brb.... rusty: ! :) R3: well... the O2 should be here next month... we can try on that if u want. rusty: there you go R3: show the coffee cup Jose... rusty: show me the JAVA! R3: cool whut it say? rusty: 'give your dreams a chance' R3: wanna see my tribble? rusty: not sure... SpiderChris: back.... rusty: has possibilities rusty: Can I get a pic for RICHARD GERE? SpiderChris: hehe rusty: oh boy R3: chris... u missed the fun. SpiderChris: nah, i've been let into the loop rusty: Did you all see the notice on the last round of Betas? R3: OK... is there a more reliable version of the server than 5.1.3a? rusty: 5.5b23 rusty: itza rock rusty: b24 will be out this afternoon rusty: its major stone R3: yeah, I got the announcement... when is the release gonna be final... can't run beta on production sites. Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Waiting till the weekend to install since I have to reconfigure things a bit. rusty: It''ll be beta until we get the dox done this month R3: OK... client wants to know. rusty: it's feature complete now rusty: unless we add more goodies R3: so it has macros and all? rusty: I just gottta keep Chris from adding things like new chat and auto-gifs, rusty: or we'll never get a release :) rusty: macros? Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: I still wanta know what an autogif is and what programs make it? Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Chris, I do like the new chat features. They look familiar. SpiderChris: Bob, just like the 'auto message'.... but instead of text, a GIF file.... Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Any gif file? SpiderChris: use User Manager to add them to the access groups file rusty: 5.5 adds more server side possibilities than that tho rusty: Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Hence the user manager update? rusty: I've been using that for months on our web site rusty: The BBS list page is a 'spml' wrapper that #includes a file output from Filemaker pro rusty: Hosea did the scripting for that one rusty: It really simplifies things rusty: like this: rusty: rusty: rusty: rusty: rusty: rusty: you can test just about anything rusty: including HTTP headers, server variables, a random number rusty: and forms data rusty: SpiderChris: Bob, yes that's what changed in UM 5.5b7 R3: what about #defines loaded from a #include? rusty: It does a LOT of testing and iffing rusty: Ask the 8 ball a question about sex, and you get a different set of answers R3: I can do that with my wife... rusty: There isn't a #define Spider Hosey: hehe rusty: But you should be able to construct the script in a way that you don't need them rusty: ask it " Will I get sex tonite" R3: OK... i'm looking at websiphon from purity software now and comparing it with metahtml... rusty: 'course if those packages work for you, you can use them as plug-ins with tf too rusty: my guess is that I can duplicate any of their demos in SPML rusty: and then some R3: and did you finally get the glue for frontier? rusty: #mail is especially useful, I get email each time someone downloads the demo, or signs up for a BBS acount. rusty: yes, it works with Frontier rusty: you need 5.5 for frontier Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: MacNexus is doing some impressive things with Frontier. rusty: or you need to hack the WWWO handler for 5.13a R3: OK... the serving of sites from the frontier DB overcomes the Mac filesystem limitations and really speeds things up. rusty: You're talking from a W* perspective rusty: that's not a problem with TF's more sophisticated caching R3: well, I think the filesystem is the same for all software, cached stuff only works for non-time sensitive data. rusty: not true rusty: You can only generate something like 10 or 20 apple events per second rusty: its a HUGE bottleneck R3: then how is the cache flushed when the data is updated? rusty: Again you're talkgin from a W* perspective that has a static cahce rusty: TF keeps files in memory, along with modified time stamp R3: no... from a netcloak perspective... they do also. rusty: each 30 seconds it looks to see if the file has changes, and if so reloads a fresh copy rusty: with W* you need to restart your server if a file changes. Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Probably makes it tough to run those *Cam Sites. R3: ah... now that is what I mean... what if a user updates the file using some form of psuedo-ftp... what happens to the file, do we have to wait for the refresh? rusty: They can't cache that data rusty: you need to wait at most, 30 secs R3: You are right Bob... rusty: or you can flush manually if you want R3: Oohhh. can the user flush too! rusty: no R3: you get a couple of users flushing then the server just pukes. rusty: I usually Puke, then flush R3: if the user can't flush, is the time-to-flush settable? rusty: I should add it as a pref to the Cache settings panel R3: are we keeping you up Jose... R3: depending on the activity, it may be better to flush more or less oftem... rusty: Then you could set it to zero when you're doing a lot of updates. rusty: Remeber, its not every 30s. rusty: Its 30s since the file was first loaded. R3: like Bob sez... what about the cam sites? rusty: They're run through plug-ins or CGI rusty: and we don't cahce PI or CGI data rusty: it's assumed dynamic R3: Oh... wait a minute... can't we do something like Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: The one I have played with saves a file name.jpg and redoes it every x seconds. That might be a problem. rusty: That's a proxy directive, and we don't really read all the HTML rusty: I guess we could add a 'no cache' SPML command. rusty: nah Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: I don't think it is a real biggy but someone might come up with a real time sensitive issue Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: I have more trouble with the browser keeping the stuff buffered than the other way round. R3: do the no cache... we need it for interner exploder. R3: thats what the pragma does... R3: it also helps with athe aol guys... rusty: The mod date checking is only somehthing like a 20% hit on top-end performance, so its not a factor on Internet web sites rusty: reading all the HTML would be a bigger performance hit rusty: Hey brian! rusty: I think I got some quick TTY for ya Brian (Wang's): hey! Brian (Wang's): ? Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Gonna fix up the print thingey? Brian (Wang's): Is it going to be in the new version? rusty: try our site from your terminals and see how it looks rusty: b24 rusty: this afternoon Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Cool Brian (Wang's): cool. OT or Mactcp? rusty: either Brian (Wang's): Very Cool! Brian (Wang's): Did you get my message about printing in terminal mode? rusty: we were 'over-yielding' and thus spending a lot of CPU doing nothign rusty: yes, but no helpthere rusty: it would be a lot of work, and require extra secuity provisions too Brian (Wang's): I was reading some stuff about plug-ins and it sounds like the plug-ins are taking over the cgi stuff. rusty: they are much much faster and more capable too Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: You know how those dumb terminal users are. First you give em email (which wasn't possible) and now they want to print. rusty: I've got a C++ PI dev kit I'm getting ready to release. rusty: StarNIne already has a C dev kit. Brian (Wang's): With libs for the web server? rusty: yep Brian (Wang's): Cool! Brian (Wang's): You guys can really push tf server for intranet! Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Turned out to fill a lot of needs we never considered it for. rusty: A plugin is very much like a CDEF or LDEF, except that you've got a nice set of server callbacks Brian (Wang's): I have heard that the local univ. Univ of memphis is tring to get first class to work and if they got tf they would be able to do what they what for a whole lot less. rusty: Please put them in touch Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: I was at a show and AT&T was showing a CGI that let a customer put in their phone number and connected both ends. Allowed you to push pages using a dial tone. Brian (Wang's): They are werid about running server type stuff on a mac. I have told them about tf. Trying! Brian (Wang's): ATT used standard push server tech. The cool part was that they could call up the pages with through the use of tones on the telephone. rusty: Chuck Shotton is palying with some CGI to X10 hookups, Nuke your dinner from a web page! Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: I can reset my server with a cgi on a web page. Brian (Wang's): With activex you could even format a harddrive for them. rusty: Its a nice demo, but if your hooked to the net, it seems that clicking on a URL is easier than going through phone hell to get a page rusty: Like those hideous fax back systems Brian (Wang's): It for the folks that still like paper. Brian (Wang's): What features are you adding to the mail server? rusty: I think ATT is just trying to get 800# rev + your T1 $ :) rusty: its a conspiracy Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: If you were looking at a house on my wifes sites and wanted to talk with an agent it would be good though. She could push interior shots from her end or show other houses Brian (Wang's): The forward thing works great how about an alias list. redirect mail to other servers and such with having to make accounts. rusty: Don't get me wrong, push is a good idea. rusty: hey we invented it a several years ago with 'auto messages' Brian (Wang's): Bob. didn't walmart and microsoft show something like that but on the web with a video window. Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: You are right about the mega bucks they will make from it. Like to do it on a budget. Yes they did. Uncle Bill was grinning. Brian (Wang's): Auto messages? Brian (Wang's): How can I link filemaker to user manager? Frontier? rusty: BBS stuff, you logon to the server and instead of waiting for the user to find important data, you send it to hime right away. rusty: Its in the Access Group rusty: I think Frontier woudl be the place to start Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Now we have autogifs as well. We can show our ugly mugs to all our users. Brian (Wang's): I looked at applescript but there isn't a way to import with scripting. Frontier can do this? Brian (Wang's): Do I have to know something about user manager or does it bring up a dictionary like applescript does? rusty: I dont think UM has an import event rusty: you would parse the file, then use "add user" for each one rusty: With Fronter yuo need a lib plug-in, I'll ask crhis to move it to the utils area Brian (Wang's): Thanks. rusty: I think it is in Club Beta now Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: I can get to it then Brian. rusty: tiem for us to wrap up rusty: -- gotta put b24 online Brian (Wang's): When is mail forwarding going to be added to tf client? Brian (Wang's): maybe? rusty: there's a new Win client ( b14 ) online now Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Great. WIll pull it all down and we can install it this weekend. Have to design a nice logon gif for all the different users. rusty: we don't have a feature list for the next vers yet, so its wide open there rusty: see ya Brian (Wang's): Thanks you guys! Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Bye. Thanks