rusty: Hello! Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Good Morning! Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Got your email. I appreciate it. Been having grief with the machine on top of the other problems. rusty: I'll have a new beta today. rusty: Jose and I are doing a lot of plug-in testing now rusty: We're taking every plug-in we can get and running it with TF Spider Joe: hi Bob! Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Hello JimSmith-CMUG: Hi all Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Jim you are my new hero! Lollipop is great! rusty: We're learning a lot about Plug-in behaviour rusty: Its not all good! :) Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Saw a site that has an upload download plug but no demo version of it was available. JimSmith-CMUG: Thanks Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: I have finger running and will have my version of wisdom up this weekend. Spider Joe: What was the name of the plug-in, Bob? rusty: Most of the Plug-ins that come with Web* are keyed to work only with Web* too. rusty: We'r rally like to test with one like that Chas.: greetings from Orlando... Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: I found it in a search and is advertised for Web*. I think it is called upload rusty: The versions of Finger and the Demo plugin that came w/ b18 are broken Spider Joe: Howdy Chas! rusty: wait for the versions that come with B19 this afternoon Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Thanks for the warning. Finger with b18 seems to work okay though Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Rusty you have a pull down menu in spml shown on your site and you say to pull it but I havent been able to get to it to download it. rusty: as long as you treat it nicely... Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: I got back to folder level but it still sends me output rather than source rusty: I though I posted the SPML for that page in the message Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: I ll try it again but I messed with it for a while and couldnt get it. rusty: All the demo pages are in the TF Server demo Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Good I hadn't looked at it much and have it on my other system. Thanks rusty: I'll put the samples online separately today Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Do you know anyone that has the mail feature set up and working, so I could swipe the code from them? rusty: :) rusty: I have this in our BSB register pages... Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Chris take the day off? rusty: rusty: Now I get mail any time a user registers for an account on the BBS! Chas.: Jose - I still have been unable to complete the bbs/xfer of conferences between other TF it seems to end up in the mail box... rusty: email and name are form fields from the Registration form page rusty: On the Demo sign up page I have: rusty: Spider Joe: Did you send me the config files? rusty: So I more info there rusty: the MAILARGS command works like: rusty: 1st is address Spider Joe: I don't seem to recall getting them... rusty: 2nd is from Address Chas.: no, but I will... rusty: 3rd is Subject rusty: and the rest make the body of the message Chas.: I did mail something to support tho...forgot what... rusty: Just like logging to a like file rusty: Then I set up Eudora to filter that mail by Subject so it doesn;t clog up my regular mail box Spider Joe: Chas, I'm going to need the mail server config files for both systems... Chas.: k Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: I will pull your notes out and look at it some more. Perhaps if I play with it some I can figure it out more. That seems like a real practical application of it. rusty: Chris has setup a similar notification from his Guestbook page, which I think I will add to our SI guest book as well. rusty: The mail notification is a very useful command rusty: I'm going to add it to our feed back paage so that people can sign up for the TF-ANNOUNCE mailing list direclty from the Web site. rusty: They'll only have to fill in the form.. really beats trying to explain how Macjordomo works! Spider Joe: Also, please compress the config files before sending them to me...This will make sure nothing happens to them in the xfer... Spider Joe: It looks like Jim has a little helper =) Chas.: do U want the gateway spool??? rusty: Another undocumented mail command will let you use Netscapes UPLOAD capability so that users can send files to you. JimSmith-CMUG: Yes we have help this week Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Don't have to have a plugin then? Spider Joe: Nope, I just want the 'Mail Server Config' file for both systems... rusty: nope Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: I like that better. I think the guy wanted $80 for his plug-in with no demo. rusty: The nice thing too is that TF puts in your mail system, instead of just making a file on the HD with it. Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: WIth the exception of chat then the web bbs is complete. rusty: Then you can either pick it up with TF User, or a POP mailer rusty: Allon B sent me a Java chat, that I have not had a chance to test yet rusty: so maybe that is done too! Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Took the words out of my typing fingers Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Does the Quid Pro Quo plug-ins look promising to use with TF rusty: MacWeek has a note that First Class 4.0 is DELAYED and SCALED BACK again! Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Good for you... rusty: It won't be ready until Q3 at the earliest! rusty: You can use all the QPQ plugins Spider Joe: QPQ uses the W*Star API rusty: + you can use the Microsoft MOSAPI plugins Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Definitely adds a lot of flexibility rusty: MOSAPI are the Boulevard ( ResNova ) plugins Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Most of the plug ins I have seen around do functions that we do with SPML. rusty: Jon P is going to make his mail CGI a plugin rusty: is that your new Volvo Mikael? Spider Joe: Hi Mikael! Spider Joe: BRB... Mikael Fredriksson: yes a new v40 rusty: I'm working on a C++/PowerPlant framework to make W*API plugins rusty: I'll make it available to anyone that's interesed, it includes the Finger and SI Demo source code. Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Out of my league a might. But nice to know. Brian here at Wang's will be happy. Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Mikael I like your imposter choices Chas.: Jose - 1 file on its way to support... rusty: TF Server B19 will be online this afternoon Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: I am looking forward to it. What's added? Mikael Fredriksson: any news in b19? Spider Joe: 'I son't recall' JimSmith-CMUG: B18 is nice and stable. rusty: The plug-in support is complete Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Speak for yourself Jim Spider Joe: son't = don't rusty: Also, it adds "pre-processing" and 'Post-Processing' plugins Chas.: I'm ashamed...still using b17 rusty: I ahh dont recall rusty: #mail pays attention to #if, #ifnot, #else rusty: It also adds "Web-Star" style "Match String" realms. These are necesary to support security with to Plugins Admin feature ( pi_admin.plugin ) rusty: see the mail i get: rusty: To: From: Date: Fri, 4 Apr 1997 18:24:00 GMT Subject: demo register MIME-Version: 1.0 Roman Dinkevich just registered for the TeleFinder Demo. company: DAct Ltd other city Tel-Aviv state country Israel phone +972-50-640488 -- end -- rusty: I get more mail from the web site than from people! :( Chas.: U want/need more junk mail??? rusty: No, the mail from the web site is good. rusty: It helps me keep up with who's getting to our site and interested in TF. rusty: It makes it easy to send them a follow up email Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: That really is a nice feature. business-wise we would use that information to go to our account people who follow up. Automatic routing. I was going to do that with Filemaker and Lasso rusty: I plan to make the follow up letter generated from the Web site too. Chas.: I barely have enuf time to answer my limited snail/e-mail as it is... rusty: This kind of email is $$$ rusty: so I can't afford not to apy attention to it Chas.: How close is some of this documentation able to received...for those unlearned souls like me??? rusty: of course, I do get mail like this too rusty: To: From: gjlk@jkl/hkm. Date: Wed, 2 Apr 1997 00:01:36 GMT Subject: demo register MIME-Version: 1.0 cghfjcghj just registered for the TeleFinder Demo. company: chbvjchvj other vjkvjk city vbjkvjk state fhjkfhjk country fhjkfhjk phone 45634563 -- end -- JimSmith-CMUG: Rusty when do you think you will have all this web stuff in 1 doc.. cookbook like TF BBS? rusty: Except for the brand new stuff, its all in the "WebDocs" html folder. rusty: Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: I broke down and printed it so I could read through it. I know we are supposed to be in the paperless age but studying it helped me a lot. JimSmith-CMUG: Do you think html will replace the PDF docs.? Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: I don't have a terminal in the bathroom yet and I do my best thinking there :-) rusty: Hopefully PageMaker 6.0 will let us have a printed and HTML version of the same info. rusty: I think we'll only do HTML, not PDF Chas.: I have yet to be able to write on my screen... Chas.: even with the push from adobe & acrobat??? Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Great. The PDF files are so large. Chas.: 6.5 is pretty strong with acrobat rusty: But I suppse PDF should be just as easy to print out once we get the basic doc correct. Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: I would be happy to read though any early drafts and give you a semi-laymens view of it. rusty: HTML is very important forus, because potential customers can browse it online. Alot of folks like to see the real docs instead of the marketing info. Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: I know how hard it is to remember all the detail things like port numbers. They become so obvious and yet they aren't to everyone rusty: :) rusty: B19 also fills in the blanks there! Chas.: I miised some of the msg concerning port # @ TF...what is/was the deal there... Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Set up b18 and then ask :-) rusty: Starting w/ B18 the thread setup in the web sever is more flexible rusty: instead of just choosing a given numebr of threads ( all on port 80 ) rusty: You can specify a combination of #-threads/port-#/domain-name Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: That is a wonderful feature. You can build whole sites with different access that you and anyone who know what port to hit can get to. Semi Secret. Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: I guess you could have multiple servers on a network all with different addressing... rusty: We mainly added it so that you can re-direct Web-BBS download traffic to a different port # Chas.: I kinda understand about the different port for the bbs nodes...but am unclear about why different nodes for the browser... rusty: This ( in DIR.SPML ) rusty: rusty: Redirect's all the downloads to port 8080 Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: I can then limit the bandwidth used for downloads? rusty: That way access to your web pages is not clogged up with a lot of downloadind rusty: By limiting the number of ports rusty: or -- Chas.: I need a dummies guide to TF.... rusty: This would re-direct all downloading to take place from instead of JimSmith-CMUG: ME TOO rusty: v5.5 has a lot of possibilities... more than we can cover in these chats Chas.: all the stuff TF can do seems great...but unaccessible to/for me as yet... Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: I could set up 16 ports. 12 for 80 and 4 for 8080 and it would limit the downloads and leave most of my bandwidth for visitors. rusty: It will all be covered in the docs for 5.5. Chas.: I'll wait patiently... rusty: But, nothing is a subsitute for sitting down and experimenting! rusty: Exactly Bob! Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Thats great. I guess you could reroute to a different server as well but would let TF handle the routing that way. Chas.: but running on a lowly 28.8...I won't benefit... Mikael Fredriksson: any time table for support of european characters in the www BBS? rusty: I still need to look at that more closely rusty: I know we can do it ( just lke we did for PC's ). Mikael Fredriksson: ;-) Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: I am not sure what you did but Mailserver now fixes my messages. Good deal! Everyone should be running that latest beta. JimSmith-CMUG: By all, the help wants to go to MacD..... by. rusty: Sounds good to me! rusty: Bring me back a Big Mac Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Had Wendy's today but you likely noticed. One quick hardware related question not about TF? rusty: Anyone catch the specs on the PM 6500? 300 Mhz 603e! rusty: for about $3000 rusty: sure. Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Do you know how I could find out more about the 8100's internal bus. I read somewhere sometime that the internal bus is self terminating. I have left a second device (drive) unterminated. rusty: hmm Mikael? rusty: That sounds correct, but I'm not too sure. Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Well I ll keep looking. Talked with Dantz tech and they didn't know. My tape backup refuses to work with my new system. So I ll keep thrashing it. Chas.: cd-r is the way to go... rusty: I would expect that a problem on the internal bus would not affect the 2nd bus. Mikael Fredriksson: If I remember the internal HD in a 8100 has the terminators on the controler Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: THats what I remember. rusty: Any last Q's before we wrap up? Bob Nunn ¥ Headgap: Guess I ll go to the book store and wear out the Mac Bible on the shelf this weekend. Gbye and thanks! Chas.: see U all next week... rusty: See you all next week! Spider Joe: bye all Mikael Fredriksson: bye!