- 100 - MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Mikester Brau 1 04/24/92 Da Board! 09:38 pm MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM CMD MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM For Those of you who own Ramlinks, I just got mine back today along with a 28 page addition to the Ramlink manual. The new Ramlinks have some Major changes and improvements. Also Cmd now has Ramcard II which includes a real time clock and file date/time stamping options. Because I have just recieved this information I thought I should share it with you now, I will go into more detail in the C= University sub on this bbs after I have had time to absorb all this new data. For now the new ramlinks require you to run a jumper to one of the chips inside your 128 from the ramlink this along with the new rl dos chips and other refinements are supposed to stop those pesky bail outs to the machine language monitor as well as reducing other problems. Also be aware that Cmd has made some changes to the Swiftlink to improve it, but because it is a Dr. EVil labs product and not a CMD product these changes are not radical. I will continue to inform you all as I become apprised. />>i/