Addenda C-64 Power Switch by Ralph Phillips, for MCUC Magazine, edited by Cheryn Nunn The May MCUC Newsletter reported a failure mode of the C-64 power switch which can cause troubles from erratic operation to total failure. Moreover, the switch on the side of the C-64 does NOT turn off the power supply. It merely disconnects the mother board from its power source. Unless the power supply is turned off by separate means, it remains energized and continues to develop heat. Eventually that heat will dry out the electrolytic capacitors in the power supply and degrade its performance below tolerance. When that happens, you throw away the whole power supply because it cannot be repaired. A simple solution to both these problems is to use an AC power distribution strip in which you have installed an auxiliary switch ahead of the last socket in the strip. With the C-64 power supply plugged into this socket, you can then leave the rocker switch on the C-64 in the ON position continuously, and turn the computer (plus its external power supply) on and off by this added switch. The added switch makes it easy to obey the manufacturer's injunction to "turn the computer ON last and OFF first." The idea of this sequence is to allow the switching transients from your monitor, your printer, and your disk drive to settle down without the computer itself being connected to the power source. Besides, if the added switch ever fails, it's easier and cheaper to replace than the one inside the C-64. [PRESS RETURN]: