********* The Project 64 etext of the ~Convert Koala Art and Doodle~, written by Kirk Fontenot , http://suze.ucs.usl.edu/~kjf4890/mis0.html PIX10.TXT, March 1998, etext #340# ********* Dear all C64 users! If you have some old C64 Doodle and Koala Art pics that you had a hard time converting or emulating, read these tips of mine! This is intended for anyone who many years ago spent time on an old picture that they wanted to preserve. I used a video capture software and converted some old C-64 1980's pictures in 1997 JPEG'S!! on my IBM compatable. ***************** Doodle ***************** Here is the program that you type in the emulator to load Doodle Pictures Doodle does not transfer in the emulator, at least not on mine PC64WIN 5 rem Compute's Gazette NOV 1988 P 60 Doodling around 6 input "Name of the picture";n$ 10 if a=0thena=1:load"dd"+n$,8,1 15 A=PEEK(53265):B=PEEK(53272):C=PEEK(56576) 20 POKE 53265,PEEK(53265) OR 32 30 POKE56578,PEEK(56578)OR3 40 POKE 56576,(PEEK(56576)AND252)OR2 50 POKE 53272,(PEEK(53272)AND15)OR120 60 GETK$:IFK$=""THEN60 70 POKE 53265,A:POKE53272,B:POKE56578,C:POKE56578,D ***************** Koala Art ***************** This is a litle tricky, but it's quite do-able When you convert the single files to picture.p00 in WIN 95 change all of the pictures to to begining with `81`pic, then a letter then EIGHT chracters exactly: note that the `81` is NOT '81' the mark by the tilda, not the single quote!!!!!! `81`pic a picturea `81`pic b pictureb `81`pic c nightwar `81`pic d superman Load Koala art and you will get "not found" when you go to "disk" on the graphic menu, simply click CHANGE DISK on the Koala menu and the pictures will load!! The `81` mimmicks the reversed spade needed in the pictures and the pic_x_12345678 characters take the place of the name as all of the pictures were on the good old C64!! ********* End Project 64 etext Convert Koala Art and Doodle. *********